Advice on Head Lice

Head lice are not new and have been around humans for centuries but this does not make them any more welcome! They are a common problem throughout the world and can easily spread if not treated when first detected. Thought to affect 1 in 3 children in the UK, head lice cannot be passed to or caught from animals and are highly contagious.
So how can you best safeguard yourself against head lice, and what can you do if you suspect that family member or even you may be playing host to unwelcome guests?

Spotting head lice

The main symptom of head lice is itching, but this is due to an allergic reaction rather than the lice biting. Everyone may not be allergic which can make an infection difficult to spot – other signs can include a rash on the neck. Spotting head lice themselves can be difficult because they are so small, even in the cases of very short hair. The best way is to use detection combine, either in a wet or dry method which you can read more about here.


If you have found evidence of head lice, you have a few options to treat them but ensure that you are thorough as head lice can be quite resistant to certain chemicals. The best option is to use treatments that have a physical effect on the head lice instead of a chemical one, as the head lice cannot form a resistance to this. By using products such as Lyclear Spray, Lyclear Shampoo and Lyclear Sensitive, you will be able to make sure that all unwelcome guests are dealt with.

The best defence is prevention

Of course, it is always best to prevent the head lice from setting up camp in the first place! First and foremost, if you suspect there is a case in your family, check for lice immediately and make sure that whoever has them cannot have the opportunity to spread them to someone else. Touching heads, sharing hats and combs are just some ways that head lice can be transferred. Check your children’s hair regularly with a lice comb to be sure and teach them the ways that they can spread.